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BUS-KI-ERXETAI: Advanced system for dynamic information and guidance services to public transport passengers
National Operational Programme, NSRF 2007-2013, National Range Action “SME Support”, Action “SME Support for RTD Activities”
24 months
The objective of the system “BUS-KI-ERXETAI” is to offer a functional and efficient tool for the optimization of the locomotions in the city using the Means of Mass Transport (ΜΜT). Its basic characteristic and advantage are the use of data of real time relatively so much with the location of the user/passenger, as well as with the location and speed of the vehicles, via communication with the system of management of fleet. The proposed system includes i) a functional interface with the user/passenger, ii) a search engine of most optimal way with the use of ΜΜT, iii) an interface with the platform of control and monitoring of vehicles so that data for their movement are collected in real time, and iv) the proportional network infrastructure for the communication. Via the interface in his mobile terminal, the user may receive in real time various information on bus lines, stops and vehicles such that he programs better his locomotion. If the user does not allocate such terminals with GPS reception, or wishes to check the possibility of departure from another point, he should then provide also the point of departure of his way. With such a terminal, the guidance of the user can be in detail and continuous, with charts, written or phonetic instruction messages, etc. At the same time, re-calculation of the way is possible if the user deviates for any reason of his course or in case of unexpected facts, e.g. an accident. Also, there will be other choices such as in how much time a bus passes from a given location, the forecasted time of arrival in the destination, etc. Accent will be given on the adaptability of the “BUS-KI-ERXETAI” system with the use of personalized information for each user, which, apart from each location, can include his preferences in ΜΜT, his favourite ways, his natural situation, his age, etc.
  • MOBICS Telecommunications & Consulting Services Ltd  - Coordinator
  • University of Piraeus – Research Centre

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